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Family Self-Sufficiency


The Family Self Sufficiency Program is designed to help those who are actively on Section 8 or Public Housing Programs.  This is a voluntary 5-year program that is an extension of your current assistance. The main objectives of this program are to assist you with achieving your ideal self-sufficiency and possibly earn some money along the way.

The FSS Coordinators at HASA work with families and provide one on one support to assist in establishing goals, determining what resources/support you may need to achieve those goals, and access to resources including education, job training, credit repair, job search assistance, homeownership preparation and more!

While you are working towards your goals and you have a working income increase the HASA sets up a special savings account for you at no cost! The funds that are deposited into this account will be matched to your working income rent increase. While you continue to work towards your goals this account builds up and once all your goals are completed the funds in this account will be released to you with no strings attached. We have had participants graduate with more than $20,000 in their escrow account!!!

 This program can truly help open doors to a new future! If this sounds like your kind of program, give us a call, and let today be the start of something new!




   FSS Flyer     Announcements   Meeting Schedule


 FSS Action Plan                Request Orientation