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What is HCV?


What is the HCV Program?

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, commonly referred to as Section 8, provides rental assistance in the form of a housing voucher to low-income families in the private rental market. Program applicants choose from a variety of housing options including: single family homes, mobile homes, town homes, apartment complexes, duplexes, etc.


Program participants who are voucher holders are able to select a unit anywhere in the community as long as they qualify for the rent and the landlord agrees to accept housing assistance. Each assisted household can expect to pay between 30-40% of their monthly adjusted income towards rent and utilities. The housing assistance payment is paid directly to the landlord on the family’s behalf.


Who is eligible to receive HCV/Section 8 rental assistance?

Eligibility for an HCV is determined by the Housing Authority of San Angelo (HASA) and is based on the total annual gross income, household composition, and citizenship status. Assistance is primarily limited to U.S. citizens and those with eligible immigration status. Each household must have a minimum of one legal citizen or eligible noncitizen.


In general, the family’s income cannot exceed 50% of the Area Median Income that are determined and published by HUD and vary by location. The HCV/Section 8 program is a waiting list-based program according to date and time of application. You may submit an application online http://www.sanangelopha.com/online-application.  When your name comes up on the waiting list, the HASA will invite you to a preliminary briefing to begin the eligibility determination process.


Where can I live and how is the rental assistance paid?

Once your family has received an HCV, you are able to search for a unit within the community that you qualify for based on the rent limits issued to you when you receive the voucher. The unit must be determined to be decent, safe, and sanitary according to the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) established by HUD. During the voucher certification appointment, you will also receive a copy of the HUD booklet, “A Good Place to Live” that will detail what meets these standards. The HASA will inspect the unit of your choice once you’ve been approved to lease with the landlord. Once the unit passes inspection, you must take possession of the unit with 14 days of the passed inspection. The assisted family and the landlord will enter a lease for an initial term of one year. The HASA and the landlord will sign a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract. The assisted family will also sign in agreement to follow the Rules and Procedures and Obligations of the Family. The family will also be responsible for the monthly payment of the difference between the total contract rent and the HAP.


Can I move with continued assistance?

The HCV Program understands that a family’s housing needs change over time with changes in family size, job opportunities, etc. The HCV Program is designed to allow families to move with continued assistance. Typically, moves are permissible as long as the family notifies the HASA 45-60 days prior to the desired move date, satisfies the terms of the lease as applicable, and finds acceptable alternate housing. This includes proper notice to the landlord as required according to the lease as well as the Intent to Move form from the housing caseworker.


Voucher holders may choose a unit anywhere in the United States if the family lived within the jurisdiction of the HASA at the time the family applied for rental assistance. Assisted families who were not living within the jurisdiction of the HASA at the time the family applied for rental assistance must initially lease a unit within HASA’s jurisdiction.  A family that wishes to move to another Housing Authority’s (HA) jurisdiction must consult with the HASA caseworker to verify the procedures for moving.


What is the term of the lease and contract?

After one year, the lease is renewed for a specified time period (ex. month-to-month, six months, etc.). You may vacate with a notice of 30 days after the term of the initial lease expires. If you remain in the unit, you are recertified for eligibility and the unit is inspected for Housing Quality Standards annually, at which time the landlord may request an annual adjustment rent increase which must be approved by the Housing Authority. This request must be submitted by your landlord in writing to both the Housing Authority and to you sixty days prior to renewal.


Eligibilty Income Limits

Family Size Yearly Gross Income Limit
1 $27,300
2 $31,200
3 $35,100
4 $39,000
5 $42,150
6 $45,250
7 $48,400
8 $51,500

Payment Standards

1 Bedroom $1,098
2 Bedroom $1,384
3 Bedroom $1,860
4 Bedroom $2,078
5 Bedroom $2,390

Fair Market Rents

1 Bedroom $998
2 Bedroom $1,258
3 Bedroom $1,860
4 Bedroom


5 Bedroom



Utility Allowance Schedules 

Multi Family Home/Mobile Home/Single Family 

HCV Brochure

HCV Brochure



Local Preferences 

Tom Green County

      San Angelo      Carlsbad

      Christoval    Grape Creek

      Harriett    Knickerbocker

      Mereta         Tankersley

      Vancourt        Veribest

      Wall            Water Valley


Tom Green Surrounding Areas

Coke County

Bronte    Robert Lee

Crockett County


Irion County

Mertzon   Barnhart


Menard County


Reagan County

Big Lake

Sterling County

Sterling City

Sutton County
